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General Reviews of Geochemical Analytical Techniques
Scanning Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis
Electron Microprobe Analysis
CalcZAF Correction Program (aka CITZAF)
X-ray Diffraction
X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
These texts discuss various analytical techniques, including electron microprobe analysis (EPMA is most used by geochemists, and some of the best reviews are in that field). They are appropriate for the novice.
AUTHOR Potts, P. J.
TITLE A handbook of silicate rock analysis / P.J. Potts.
AUTHOR Zussman, J.
TITLE Physical methods in determinative mineralogy / edited by J. Zussman.
EDITION 2d ed.
Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis (A Text for Biologists, Materials Scientists, and Geologists) is the single best reference for scanning electron microscopy and x-ray microanalysis. All users of the scanning electron microscope and electron microprobe should read the pertinent chapters from this text. Your research group should purchase a copy that can be shared among users of the facility. The second edition is generally better than the first edition, but some material did not make the transition; see the first edition if you want the whole picture.
Goldstein, et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis (A Text for Biologists, Materials Scientists, and Geologists), 2nd ed. New York: Plenum Press, 1992
Chapter 2 Electron Optics
Chapter 3 Electron - SpecimenInteractions
Chapter 4 Image Formation and Interpretation
Chapter 5 X-ray Spectral Measurement: WDS and EDS
Chapter 6 Qualitative X-ray Analysis
Chapter 7 X-ray Peak and Background Measurements
Chapter 8 Quantitative X-ray Analysis: The Basics
Chapter 9 Quantitative X-ray Analysis: Theoryand Practice
Chapter 10 Compositional Imaging
Chapter 11 Specimen Preparation for Inorganic Materials: Microstructural and Microchemical Analysis
Chapter 12 Sample Preparation for Biological, Organic, Polymeric, and Hydrated Materials
Chapter 13 Coating and Conductivity Techniques for SEM and Microanalysis
Chapter 14 Database
LOCATIONS Earth & Planet Sci Lib
E&PSc General Stacks QH212 S3 S315 1992
Advanced scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis
LOCATIONS Biology Library
Biol General Stacks QH212 S3 A24 1986
Scanning and transmission electron microscopy: an introduction is another general reference for electron microscopy. It is written with the TEM in mind and does not go into the detail that Goldstein et al does. It is appropriate for those who do not understand anything in the Goldstein text.
Flegler, et al., Scanning and transmission electron microscopy: an introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.
AUTHOR Flegler, Stanley L.
TITLE Scanning and transmission electron microscopy : an introduction / Stanley L. Flegler, John W. Heckman, Jr., Karen L. Klomparens.
The Reimer text Scanning electron microscopy : physics of image formation and microanalysis discusses the physics of imaging and microanslysis, and approaches the subject in a elegant but terse manner. It is a more advanced level than the Goldstein text.
AUTHOR Reimer, Ludwig, 1928-
TITLE Scanning electron microscopy : physics of image formation and microanalysis / Ludwig Reimer.
Images of Materials offers examples of images collected by various techniques.
TITLE Images of materials / edited by David B. Williams, Alan R. Pelton, Ronald Gronsky ; with a foreword by Peter B. Hirsch.
IMPRINT New York : Oxford University Press, 1991.
Quantitative electron-probe microanalysis is a good text on aspects of quantitative microanalysis, and goes into more detail than Goldstein et al. It covers ZAF and PRZ correction schemes.
LOCATIONS Chemistry Library
Chem General Stacks QD117 E42 S39 1995
Microprobe techniques in the earth sciences / edited by Philip J. Potts ... [et al.]
LOCATIONS Earth & Planet Sci Lib
E&PSc General Stacks QE33.2.M5 M53 1995
An introduction to X-ray spectrometry : X-ray fluorescence and electron microprobe analysis is a relatively good text which discusses both instrumentation and quantitation aspects of microanalysis (and related aspects of x-ray fluorescence).
LOCATIONS Earth & Planet Sci Lib
E&PSc General Stacks QE435 W55 1987
Electron probe quantitation is a collection of papers that discuss the state-of-the-art of microprobe analysis. It is new. It is not an introductory text.
TITLE Electron probe quantitation / edited by K.F.J. Heinrich and Dale E. Newbury.
IMPRINT New York : Plenum Press, c1991.
X-ray spectrometry in electron beam instruments
LOCATIONS Physics Library
Phys General Stacks QC793.5 E622 X14 1995
Electron Microprobe Analysis by SJB Reed
LOCATIONS Chemistry Library & Earth & Planet Sci Lib & Physics
1 > Chem General Stacks QD117 E42 R43 1993
2 > E&PSc General Stacks QD117 E42 R43 1993
3 > Phys General Stacks QD117 E42 R43 1993
Electron Microprobe Analysis and Scanning Electron Microscopy in Geology
by SJB Reed
LOCATIONS Earth & Planet Sci Lib
E&PSc General Stacks QE440 .R43 2005
Electron beam x-ray microanalysis / Kurt F. J. Heinrich
LOCATIONS Chemistry Library
Chem General Stacks QD98 E4 H44
Microanalysis of solids
LOCATIONS Earth & Planet Sci Lib
E&PSc General Stacks QD79 M5 M53 1993 NOT CHECKD OUT
Fundamentals of Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis is an introduction to EDS and offers an in-depth discussion of the instrument and its pros and cons. It is enlightening for the novice and should be read for those sem users who do EDS analysis.
AUTHOR Russ, John C.
TITLE Fundamentals of energy dispersive
analysis / John C. Russ.
Microbeam Analysis are the proceedings volumes of the annual meeting of the Microbeam Analysis Society. These volumes contain almost all research papers (as extended abstracts) concerning various aspects of electron microprobe analysis.
LOCATIONS Chemistry Library & Earth & Planet Sci Lib & West Campus
1 > Chem General Stacks QD98 E4 M5 1986 (21st)
2 > Chem General Stacks QD98 E4 M5 1987 (22nd)
3 > Chem General Stacks QD98 E4 M5 1995 (29th)
4 > E&PSc General Stacks QD98 E4 M5 1979 (14th)
5 > WestC General Stacks QD98 E4 M5 1988 (23rd)
Microscopy and Microanalysis are the proceedings volumes of the annual joint meeting of the Microscopy Society of America and the Microbeam Analysis Society. These volumes contain all abstracts concerning various aspects of microscopty and microanalysis.
See Paul Carpenter for more information
The CalcZAF X-ray Correction Program is used in our laboratory to convert x-ray intensity to concentration units, as well as for other more detailed calculations. This program contains the source code from the CITZAF package developed by John Armstrong while he was at Caltech. The code has been wrapped in a graphical user interface by John Donovan. It is important to understand that CalcZAF is the program that contains a number of X-ray correction algorithms. We usually use the Armstrong Φ(ρz) algorithm for our data correction (The JEOL software "PRZ" correction is the Armstrong algorithm).
Here is the reference you should use:
CITZAF: A Package of Correction Programs for the Quantitative Electron Microbeam X-ray Analysis of Thick Polished Materials, Thin Films, and Particles, John T. Armstrong, Microbeam Analysis, 4 (1995), 177-200.
The best reference currently available for geologists is Modern Powder Diffraction, volume 20 of the MSA Reviews in Mineralogy. It is a good starting point for many topics including Rietveld analysis.
TITLE Modern powder diffraction / D.L. Bish and J.E. Post, editors.
IMPRINT Washington, D.C. : Mineralogical Society of America, c1989.
X-ray diffraction procedures for polycrystalline and amorphous materials is an in-depth reference that covers some aspects of x-ray diffraction in greater depth than the previous reference.
AUTHOR Klug, Harold Philip, 1902-
TITLE X-ray diffraction procedures for polycrystalline and amorphous
materials [by] Harold P. Klug [and] Leroy E. Alexander.
X-ray fluorescence analysis in the geological sciences : advances in methodology discusses x-ray fluorescence spectrometry and analysis with a particular emphasis on EDSXRF techniques.
TITLE X-ray fluorescence analysis in the geological sciences :
advances in methodology / S.T. Ahmedali, editor ; contributors, S. Abbey [et al.]
Advances in x-ray analysis : proceedings of the annual Conference on Application of X-ray Analysis are the proceedings of an annual conference on x-ray analysis. These volumes contain older papers on x-ray analysis.
AUTHOR Conference on Application of X-ray Analysis.
Advances in
x-ray analysis : proceedings of the annual Conference on Application of